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L.C. Miccio-Fonseca, Ph.D.

L.C. Miccio-Fonseca, PhD, is a clinical/research psychologist and a leading expert in the field of child sexual abuse, is author of numerous articles on sexually abusive individuals and assessment of such individuals. Dr. Miccio-Fonseca’s ongoing research on sex offenders (all ages and genders) led to developing unique tools for assessing individuals who are sexually abusive, including MEGA? and the Personal Sentence Completion Inventory (PSCI, 1994). The MEGA? is a state-of-the-art risk assessment tool for assessing risk and protective factors for coarse sexual improprieties and/or sexually abusive behaviors for adjudicated and non-adjudicated youth ages 4-19 (males, females, and transgender, including youth with low intellectual functioning). The PSCI is the first of its kind, a versatile inventory used in exploring erotic development.