This workshop focuses on some of the controversies and current issues in the field of spouse/partner abuse, including approaches and techniques that have been utilized for those accused or confirmed of abusing their partner, typologies of male and female offenders, recent research concerning the effectiveness of intervention, and the types of treatment or other interventions that might be appropriate. This workshop discusses and demonstrates intervention approaches and techniques for both male and female offenders, including an abuse-specific couples approach. Topics included in this presentation are definition of intimate partner abuse vs aggression, readiness to change, best practices, trauma informed and empowerment-based intervention, and evaluation of effectiveness. Examples from specific treatment programs are presented. The first part of this workshop will focus on current issues, research and best practices, and the second part focuses on specific treatment techniques.
How many clients go through rigorous domestic violence or anger management counselling and still are abusive, or are abusive in different ways, even when they have the tools? It is valuable and necessary obviously to teach those valuable skills in therapy. Peel back the layers however, and it is imperative to go so much deeper with some very simple questions that uncover the ‘why’ of abuse, in each circumstance. We need to better unpack and examine individual choices to be abusive, very little of which is physical, but that emotional and verbal violence that so impairs and damages, and in looking at the ‘why,’ better understand individual choices. In doing so, we may tailor treatment to the many different kinds of abuse, and personalities, rather than using one blanket approach which makes that perhaps egregious assumption that all violence is based on lack of skills and not a desire to hurt.