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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5 including 1.5 American Psychological Association, 1.5 Association of Social Worker Boards, 1.5 National Board of Certified Counselors, 1.5 State Bar of California

*Area of Emphasis: Domestic Violence |  Child Custody
Tracy Shoberg, Esq
Course Levels:
Appropriate for All Levels
1.5 Hours
Short Description:
This training will introduce legal practitioners to a structured approach to decision-making in domestic violence-related custody cases that centralizes the experience of battered parents and their children. The training will also acquaint participants with a suite of tools designed to enhance screening, assessment, and informed decision making in domestic violence related child custody matters.
$45.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5 including 1.5 American Psychological Association, 1.5 Association of Social Worker Boards, 1.5 National Board of Certified Counselors, 1.5 California Board of Registered Nurses, 1.5 State Bar of California

*Area of Emphasis: Child Abuse |  Child Trauma - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) |  Trauma in General
Dr. Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MJ, MSW
Course Levels:
Appropriate for All Levels
1.5 Hours
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Nonoffending caregivers are integral to the effective investigation and treatment of child victims of sexual abuse, yet they are often scrutinized after a disclosure. Effectively engaging caregivers allows them to make decisions that can safeguard their child’s future. Implications for research, practice and policy are discussed.
$24.00 - $30.00

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