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On Demand

Impact of Stressors on Pacific Islander Populations

Total Credits: 1 including 1 American Psychological Association, 1 Association of Social Worker Boards, 1 National Board of Certified Counselors, 1 California Board of Registered Nurses

Trauma in General |  Child Trauma - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) |  *Area of Emphasis: Child Abuse
Judith Clark MPH |  Pa Thor
Course Levels:
Appropriate for All Levels
1 Hour
Audio and Video


This is a combined session.

Part 1 - Early Impacts of COVID19 on Adolescents in the Northern Mariana Islands - Judith Clark

The AmeriCorps Members, who are high school students continued to write in their reflection journals and find new ways to complete their commitments to community service during COVID-19. This presentation uses excerpts from the Reflection Journals from March through July 2020 to illustrate the youth’s concerns and reactions about safety, education, family, their future plans, and continuing to serve their community. The youth voice, as they share their concerns and worries, talk about supporting their families and community, and describe the ways that COVID has affected family life, is compelling. These unscripted and often poignant journal entries provide insights into youth reactions to trauma and what services and supports helped them cope with the unexpected and major changes in their lives.


  1. Describe 5 areas of their lives that adolescents worry or are concerned about in relation to COVID.
  2. Name 3 practices that youth workers and educators can use to support youth during COVID.
  3. Share practices that they have implemented with youth in their own programs.

Part 2 - The Impact of Social and Economic Stressors on Child Abuse Among Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders - Pa Thor

This study examines two causes of stress among AAPI parents, economic hardship and aggravation in parenting, to explore the link to three types of child abuse; physical assault, psychological abuse, and neglect. The study considers whether parents undergoing multiple stressors undertake multiple forms of abuse. Findings show that AAPI parents experiencing economic hardship are more likely to use psychological aggression and physical assault. AAPI parents should be supported in prioritizing their physical and psychological well-being, amid the social and economic challenges they encounter. There are implications for providers to support AAPI families in reducing parental stress that can be compounded by other social or economic challenges. Policy and other implications include culturally appropriate strategies to improve psychosocial well-being, leading to a better quality of life for both parents and children.


  1. Identify how different stressors contribute to different forms of child abuse.
  2. Identify external forces affecting stress management to broaden research and practice.
  3. Apply culturally appropriate strategies in their service delivery with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Originally recorded at IVAT's 18th Hawai'i International Virtual Summit



Judith Clark MPH's Profile

Judith Clark MPH Related Seminars and Products

Executive Director

Hawaii Youth Services Network

Judith Clark, MPH, is the Executive Director of Hawaii Youth Services Network (HYSN), a statewide coalition of youth-serving organizations and a Pacific Islands training center. Ms. Clark has expertise in grant writing and grants management, designing culturally relevant programs for minority youth, sustainability, and non-profit management.

She was named Hawaii’s Outstanding Advocate for Children and Youth by the Hawaii Legislature, received the Culture of Respect Award from the National Safe Place Network, and is a 3-time winner of the AIM for Excellence for Outstanding Non-profit Management Award. She is a member of the national public health honor society, Delta Omega, for her lifetime achievements in public health.

Ms. Clark has worked with the Public School System in the Northern Mariana Islands for 11 years providing training, technical assistance, and evaluation for teen pregnancy, afterschool and AmeriCorps programs.

Pa Thor Related Seminars and Products

New York University

Pa Thor is a Ph.D. Social Work Candidate at New York University. Her research focus includes topics related to gender-based violence, family violence and relationships, community-based interventions, gun violence, and forensic social work. Pa aims to study marginalized and ethnic minority populations along with the social structures and institutions surrounding these groups. Pa’s current research project seeks to understand Hmong murder-suicides by examining any microlevel and macrolevel factors associated with these acts of violence. Her research interests were influenced by her prior work with Hmong families in child welfare and previous service as a board member for Merced Lao Family Community of Merced, CA.